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Free advertising for dating and single websites

Your html code must be placed in the most visible part of a page (the first 600 pixels from the top of the page) where your site visitors will see the ads when they first open your page. The home page is exempt from the 600 pixels rule.

The click through rate from your site must be within the industry standard!

If you place other large banners on the same page, they must be located at below the Singles-Exchange banner.

Pop-up banners of any kind are not permitted to compete with our clients.

Place your required html code immediately into your indicated page.

Do not place the code in an auto-refreshed page.

Delete your account if you remove your required html code at any time. (Your account will automatically be deleted after two weeks of inactivity.)

We reserve the right to delete an account and bar the member from the exchange for any reason.

Animated .gif images are allowed and will cycle normally. Image size is limited to 16K and should be the proper pixel size for the style selected.

Those caught breaking the rules will be permanently barred from the exchange -- no exceptions. reserves the right to refuse membership to any websites or banners containing pornographic, illegal, or immoral activities, websites not fitting within the Singles Industry or for any other reasons as we see fit.

The HTML code provided upon joining must be copied onto member’s website within 24 hours. This code may not be modified in any way without the prior approval of It must also be in a visible place accessible to visitors. The page containing the link exchange code may not have a meta-refresh tag of any kind. will attempt to correct inconsistencies in credits owed to any member if the member offers proof of inconsistency. reserves the right to delete members accounts should they :- A) Not place the ad code within their sites B) If the ad code is removed after the account has already been verified. No credit refunds shall be issued in either of these instances.

The name, logo, software, databases, reports, website, and information are proprietary and cannot be used without prior permission from reserves the right to modify or change any and all of these Terms and Conditions as it deems necessary.